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The Swedish Air Force Class of Logistics Officers of 1975

In 1975, the Swedish Air Force recruited sixteen young men for an unusual training program. Primarily to satisfy the need for base battalion logistics officers in the Air Force Reserve, the candidates were trained in all the functions of a base logistics company. However, in order to be productive in the planning functions that are part of the peacetime duties of the reserve, they were also trained in business and management. The fourteen lieutenants graduating a year and a half later have not only made their imprint on the Air Force, while advancing in rank and responsibility, but also in civilian life around the world, in areas such as business, law, and aviation.

This close-knit group has managed to stay together, not only through reserve duty, but also through annual reunions. These have provided opportunities for fellowship as well as information exchange, cultural events, and travel.

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Last updated 8 October 2007